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Wrinkles - Muscle weakening

muscle weakening product can be injected with a very fine needle in certain muscle groups that cause wrinkles: the horizontal  forehead wrinkles, frown wrinkles, crow's feet and certain wrinkles. This is an office treatment. No anaesthesia is required nor are there any activity restrictions afterwards.

The effect becomes visible on the second day after the treatment and reaches its maximum after two weeks. The product only weakens the muscles around the site of injection.

The effect of the product lasts for five months. Usually, the treatment interval becomes gradually longer. Although the muscles recover, they lose some mass and, spontaneously, they are used less in normal facial expression.

In young people, who still have tight and elastic skin but who already developed deep frowning wrinkles, this can also be a useful treatment.

Wrinkles of the eyelids and around the mouth are treated  more rarely, because weakening the underlying muscles changes facial expression.