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Thigh lift with liposculpture

This lady had developed severe skin excess after losing weight. There was still considerable fat excess in the thighs. The inelastic skin would not accomodate to a diminished volume and would sag in case of a liposculpture alone.
A thigh lift was combined with circumferential liposculpture of the thighs. From the groin to the buttock crease, skin has been removed to lift sagging tissues. Between the groin and the inner aspect of the knees, a vertical strip of skin was excised to restore normal tension to the tissues. The effect is visible over the entire contour of the thighs, and it also enhances the contour of the hips.
Volume removed by liposculpture: 1.850 ml. on each side.
Surgically removed tissue on each side: 260 g.
Age category: 40 - 44 years.

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