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Treatment of Forehead Wrinkles with Fillers

Forehead wrinkles are difficult to treat. Sometimes muscle weakening by injection is a good option. This substance paralyses the frontal muscles with a positive effect on wrinkles. But this also lowers the eyebrows, sometimes the skin on the upper eyelids too. Because of his low-positioned eyebrows and skin excess on his upper eyelids this gentleman was no good candidate for such treatment.
Wrinkles can also be filled with filler. On the forehead it is difficult to fill exactly in the wrinkle without adding volume to the surroundings. 
Therefore this gentleman was first treated with a low concentrated gel designed for superficial injection in the dermis. 
A subtle improvement was achieved. Later, an extra treatment was performed with a more concentrated gel, designed for injection in the middle or deep part of the dermis. The sensitive skin of the forehead may react with some redness during several weeks, but this more concentrated filler takes more time to get absorbed.
Age category: 44 - 49 years.

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